Selma’s Gallery

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The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing.
Greece (469–399 B.C.E.)


The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.
Alice Walker
USA (1944 —)

Bamboo growth

Be like the bamboo, the higher you grow, the deeper you bow.
Chinese proverb


Mental prayer in my opinion is nothing else than an intimate sharing between friends.
St Teresa of Avila
Spain (1515 – 1582)

The Fountain by Selma Tufail
The Fountain
Oil on canvas, 31 x 39 in

I am a fountain, You are my water.
I flow from You to You.

Zeynep Hatun
Turkey (15th century)

Roots and Wings by Selma Tufail
Roots and Wings
Oil on canvas

There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Germany (1749 – 1832)

Lifting the Veil by Selma Tufail
Lifting the Veil
Oil on canvas, 31 x 39 in

And truly the love that you are worthy of
is when you unveil the veils for me to see you.

Rabia Basri
Iraq (717 – 801)

The Dance I by Selma Tufail
The Dance I
Oil on canvas, 32 x 40 in

We came whirling out of nothingness
Scattering stars like dust.
The stars made a circle and in the middle we dance.

Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi
Afghanistan & Turkey (13th century)

The Dance II by Selma Tufail
The Dance II
Oil on canvas, 20 x 40 in

We came whirling out of nothingness
Scattering stars like dust.
The stars made a circle and in the middle we dance.

Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi
Afghanistan & Turkey (13th century)

The Window by Selma Tufail
The Window
Watercolor on paper, 16 x 11 in

Keep Knocking
’til the joy inside
opens a window
and looks to see who’s there.
Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi
Afghanistan & Turkey (13th Century)

The Revelation by Selma Tufail
The Revelation
Oil on canvas, 20 x 16 in

When all the world is the eye of the Lord
All-knowing, All-seeing
What can you cover and conceal?
Akka Mahadevi
India (12th Century)

The Golden Bee by Selma Tufail
The Golden Bee
Watercolor on paper, 16 x 11 in

Last night, as I was sleeping
I dreamt – blessed vision! –
that I had a beehive
here in my heart;
and the golden bees
were making
from my old sorrows
white wax and sweet honey.
Antonio Machado
Spain (1875 – 1939)

When Chickens Fly, Con Yanci
When Chickens Fly, Illustration for, CON YANCI: When Chickens Fly and other tales

“I want to fly too.”
“Yes, my dear, you can learn to fly too. Now get some rest.”

Chiquita closed her eyes and fell asleep. That night, Chiquita dreamt of a little chicken with reddish brown feathers flying over the ocean with the sea gulls. She snuggled deeper into her grandmother’s soft feathers and smiled in her sleep.
Selma Tufail

Hernando's Mission, Con Yanci
Hernando’s Mission, Illustration for, CON YANCI: When Chickens Fly and other tales

“Swallows are programmed to fly south each year at this time.”
“Are you saying that you do something this important because someone else has decided you have to do it? That you have no control over your own actions? What would happen if you decided to fly north instead of south? Or if you stayed right here all year round?” Yanci raised an eyebrow for effect.
Hernando was silent.
Selma Tufail

Con Yanci, Babieca takes a break
Babieca takes a Break, Illustration from, CON YANCI: When Chickens Fly and other tales

“You cannot leave here until the eggs have hatched,” barked Yanci as soon as he got close to the halibut, “if you do, I will have no choice but to impose on you the harshest penalties that the law allows.
Selma Tufail

Con Yanci, Battlefields
Battlefields, Illustration from, CON YANCI: When Chickens Fly and other tales

Seeing her alone in her nest, he decided to take care of her. He brought her food and comforted her, and she felt protected again. Yanci promised he would keep her safe from the soldiers’ guns, and he did.
Selma Tufail

Cobweb Island, Con Yanci
Cobweb Island, Illustration for, Con Yanci: When Chickens Fly and other tales

“There, under a large leaf, she found a terrified ladybird shaking with fear. The ladybird told her she’d got stuck in Yanci’s web, and he was planning to sell her as food on the mainland.
Selma Tufail

Tale of Alatea, Con Yanci
Tale of Alatea, Illustration for, Con Yanci: When Chickens Fly and other tales

Taking a deep breath, Inés spread her wings and swooped down to where Alatea was sitting. Then suddenly, inches from her first kill, Inés swerved to the left and flew away. She couldn’t do it. She just could not take another life.
Selma Tufail

Con Yanci, Giggling cats and fainting goats
Giggling Cats and Fainting Goats, Illustration from CON YANCI: When Chickens Fly and other tales

Yanci could hear them talking and laughing. The friends were having so much fun. The spider watched enviously from his designer web.
Selma Tufail

Con Yanci, Singing Ducks
Singing Ducks, Illustration from CON YANCI: When Chickens Fly and other tales

Disheartened, Sofia swam away to a group of children playing by the lake.
“Hello,” she said quietly without really expecting a reply. They looked at her, smiled, and said, “Hello little duck.” They could understand her!
Selma Tufail

Esperanza, Con Yanci
Esperanza, Illustration for Con Yanci: When Chickens Fly and other tales

“It’s been a difficult day,” Esperanza replied as the spider moved closer.
“Our body is not always as strong as we want it to be. There’s no harm in giving it a little help.” Yanci offered her a small piece of tobacco. Esperanza felt herself weaken.

Selma Tufail

Birds and Beasts, Con Yanci
Birds and Beasts, Illustration for, Con Yanci: When Chickens Fly and other tales

“Your friendship with Marisol is wrong!” Yanci’s voice was rising in anger. “You belong to different species. It isn’t natural for you to be such close friends. Why don’t you live with your own kind, Carisa?”
Selma Tufail

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Front cover Con Yanci: When Chickens Fly and other tales
Front cover

Back cover, Con Yanci When Chickens Fly and other tales
Back cover